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Sup Vic Inc.

Surfing Victoria's Technical Race (BOP) State Championships

Sat, 27 Apr 2019
27-04-2019 9:00 AM
28-04-2019 4:00 PM

The Surfing Victoria Technical Race (BOP) State Championships will be held at Point Leo on the weekend of April 27/28. The actual day (Saturday 27 or Sunday 28) and time will be confirmed by mid March - with the opportunity to move it to the alternate date if the forecast warrants it. 

Note: This is the same weekend as the SUP Vic Surf Weekend, also held at Point Leo. This is by intention. The BOP race will be sheduled during low tide, which is not suitable for most peninsular surf breaks. As this is an additional event, entry to the SUP Vic Surf Weekend is via the Surf Weekend Event on SUP Vic Tidy Club.

Entry details for the Technical Race to be posted soon.

Point Leo Beach
Point Leo Beach, Point Leo VIC 3916, Australia

Ashburton, Victoria, 3147, Australia

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